НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета

Development Strategy of TSU Research Library for 2016-2020

Strategic planning has been a crucial element of the Library system of administration for many years. The first strategic plan of development for the Research Library RL was approved in 1997 during the of European Union project TEMPUS TACIS T-JEP 10027-95 “Development of administration of the Tomsk University Research Library”. It was then that for the first time the main goals and mission were defined, the priority development directions were formulated and correlated with the mission of the University, and a strategy was chosen. The plan emphasized improving administration and organizational structure, developing resources, including the professional growth of the staff, improving the library service system, and intensively introducing information technologies with an increasing role of the Library as a methodological center.

In 2015, in view of essential transformations of the University, the development of a new strategic plan for 2016-2020 was begun. The distinctive feature of the strategic planning for the Library at this stage was maximum involvement of the staff, scientists, faculty, and experts in the process of development. With this purpose in mind, two strategic sessions were held with the participation of more than 100 specialists of the TSU Research Library, members of the University community, and directors and key experts of the university libraries in Western Siberia. Over the following six months, all the materials from these sessions were thoroughly processed and summed up as a final document. Before the defense, the wording of the Development Strategy and a Roadmapof its implementation was discussed at a general meeting of the Library staff, Library Council, Teaching and Methodological TSU committee, joint Scientific and Technological TSU Counсil, and Informatization Committee of TSU, as well as at the University administration meeting.

The defense of the Development Strategy of the TSU Research Library for 2016-2020 took place at the TSU Academic Council meeting on January 27, 2016. Five strategic directions and eleven goals were prioritized that would allow the Library to actively assist the University in improving its international competitive performance.


Key directions and goals of the Development Strategy of the RL of TSU for 2016-2020:


  1. Supporting the educational and research activities in the university
  • Сreating an up-to-date system of interaction between faculties/institutes, departments and laboratories to improve the effectiveness of using the resources of the Research Library.
  • Forming a portfolio of contemporary educational services of the Research Library.
  • Forming a portfolio of the services of the Research Library directed at research communications development and research support.
  1.  Managing the work with literary heritage
  • Securing the safe keeping and availability of the book cultural heritage at the TSU Research Library.
  • Ensuring the management role of the Library in arranging the work with the literary heritage of the region, creating a registry, and monitoring the state and conditions of storage.
  • Setting up museum exhibition activities of the TSU Research Library as a part of the cultural and educational infrastructure of the University.
  1. Developing library and information technologies
  • Achieving a new level of technology in providing services for University students and researchers.
  • Strengthening network interaction with other libraries, organizations and educational and cultural institutions.
  1. Developing Library spaces
  • Remodeling the Reading Rooms, Circulation Desk, and halls of the Library in accordance with the long-term plan “Renovation of the Research Library: towards education and science at TSU”.
  • Improving availability, openness, and convenience of the Library spaces.
  1. Management
  • Establishing an effective system of managing the changes at TSU Research Library (new organizational and staff structure, Project Management, and implementing a corporate culture program at RL).