НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета


19 декабря 2023
December 20, Cool Contrasts Clubs New Year Fest in the International Resource Center

On December 20 at 18:18 Cool Contrasts Clubs New Year Fest, a festive meet-up of all language clubs, will start in the TSU Research Library on 3rd floor of the New Building.

This year the event is devoted to games. The participants will “travel around the globe” through 9 stations, where by getting acquainted with game traditions they will immerge in the culture of countries where French, Chinese, German, Arabic, Russian, Indonesian, Spanish, and English are spoken.

Various formats of games guarantee relaxed atmosphere and fast progress in participants’ linguistic competencies.

And as every good holiday party has it – there will be a surprise in the end!

NB: to enter the library one should have either a pass or a reader card that can be obtained at the Reader Registration Desk.

Questions? Contact: irc@lib.tsu.ru, тел: (3822) 78-51-03; https://vk.com/irc_libtsu


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