Café français. Club de conversation en françaisTime: Summer Break: June-August Place: International Resource Center Description: The French speaking club is for those interested in learning French regardless of their proficiency. Café français is a great opportunity to break through the language barrier, learn something new about the culture of France, apply your knowledge when sharing opinions on a variety of topics - from modern colloquial French to wedding traditions of different countries, in a friendly atmosphere. Derghal Fateh is a master degree student of the TSU Biological Institute from Algeria. In addition to Arabic and English, Fateh is proficient in French, he taught English at school for over 7 years. He loves music, reading, painting, and walking outside. Fateh hopes that his interest in different languages will help the participants to learn French as it is easier to learn a language together.
Contacts:, tel: (3822) 78-51-03.